Friday, July 07, 2006

Wrap up

[Empecé en inglés, así que así voy a terminar]

So says the Alice in chains song:
so i made a big mistake
try to see it
once my way
Well, that kinda happened... Actually, more than one...

As I recently found out in a newsletter I suddenly started getting for no reason at all, I'd naturally done what [the newsletter guy] suggested... and then just turned into what that same guy keeps bashing... oh, well...

OTOH, turns out that if I were to take that baffling answer at face value, there was never a game to begin with...

In any case, now that the initial rush has passed on, I'm feeling I ain't really missing out on that much... what's important now, are the lessons to be learned, yet again... gonna take his advice far more seriously next time (I know I should've done so this time around, but, heck, that's just how stubborn I am ;-)

And that's a wrap...

1 comment:

Claudia X said...

Ey que onda! te mande unos mails.